Book Review: Hymn Of Heart

Book Review: Hymn Of Heart

Author- Shiny Benjamin

Book- Hymn Of Heart

Genre- Poetry

Rating- 4.7/5

The attractive “Hymn Of Heart” book cover caught my attention before I found the title. The book title is as lovely as the words inside the book.

The book has few pages, pushing the task of finishing it quickly. 15 poems in the book, mostly circled around two souls in love or out of love in life. However, the poem I liked the most in the book is “A Valour Virago.” It was a brave act for the poet to write about a woman and her emotions in a candid style.

“She is a valour virago

Rowing in the waves of solitude

Subdued her life with fortitude

Her healing is after the insurgence.”

The above words touched my heart. A tremendous effort by the poet Shiny Benjamin echoes through her book.

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