“The world is so unpredictable. Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we are in control of our existence. In some ways, we are, in some ways, we’re not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.”
—- Paul Auster
A demon named “Covid-19” charged towards our life like a raged bull. We were profoundly occupied with our everyday living. It grabbed us uninformed without warning. We were trapped in a dead-end circumstance, and are still under its vicious clutches.
We had locked our 2020 itinerary in our organizer. January had commenced smoothly with the new year celebration. The first case of COVID-19 was reported on 30th January 2020 in Kerala, India. We were confident that the virus would only be restricted to that region. The month of February had ended without a glitch. At the beginning of March, it brought the flavour of the year ‘Covid-19’. The whole world began to get clutched under Coronavirus’s fright. It’s September, and we have not escaped unscathed. Life is full of dangerous and unpredictable circumstances.
India observed a voluntary Janata curfew at the proposal of India’s Prime Minister on 22nd March. It was followed by nationwide lockdowns in all major cities for 21 days from 24th March. Today is the 170th day of lockdown but unlock 4.0 has commenced in our country.
National exams were postponed, offices were closed. Trains and flights were cancelled with no prior information. People were asked to be confined to their houses. Historical Monuments, Shopping malls, Movie theatres, religious Places, Metro Services, Educational Institutions and Gyms remained shut for an indefinite period.
“Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it can.
And just when you think it can’t get any better, it can.”
-Nicholas Sparks
There was no former planning to tackle the situation. Staying home was the only option. Our movement was restricted abruptly.It began as an unplanned holiday for all the citizens, and there was no time limit. Did the government handle the situation in a praise-worthy way, I doubt?
The factories and construction works were halted suddenly. Daily wagers and migrant workers had long-suffering at the beginning of the lockdown phase before they could return to their native villages. Temporary contract-based employees were given a pink slip. People started to slip into mental depression due to lack of money and survival instinct. The working class’s behaviour changed drastically, and it took a toll on their physical and emotional health. They began to get restless after a few months as their Life had turned upside down.
We were able to reap unforeseen benefits during the covid-19 era. Pollution attained an all-time low level. Nature, wildlife, forests are enjoying the much-needed respite from human beings. People recognized the significance of family, friends and society. The unpolluted and fresh air have turned out to be the blessings in disguise for the crores of people across the globe. Corona made us realize the importance of health, hygiene and to manage a disciplined life.
Lockdown in different phases gave away to the unlock phases.
Unlock 1.0 was announced when India was ranked as the fourth worst-hit in the globe. Citizens started to go out more frequently without being careful. They wanted to utilize their freedom with their limited knowledge and skipped the task of being mindful. People began to forget masks, sanitizers and not to step close to people.
With Unlock 4.0, the government is trying to perform in the usual way like Pre-Covid era. In a hurry to revive the economy, we initiated the path to uncertainty and encountered more unforeseen foes.
‘Life must go on has swiftly become the universal new Mantra.’
We are competing with an unfamiliar opponent, and the government could not take the appropriate action to educate its citizens. It tried to hide exact statistics from the public. It haphazardly managed everything. In the way, endangering the lives of countless. Can our lives be back to regular again? We have no idea when would we be unshackled from this deadly virus?
The entire world is plunging in darkness. We are all in a messy state.The pandemic unquestionably showed us just one thing that is: Unpredictability.
The beauty lies with the world that nothing is permanent. It will also drift away by the air of positivity. There is always light at the end of the Tunnel. We should strive to march towards the end of it with a brave heart. It may consume a lot of time, but we will arrive there. We will emerge out victorious, and we can adapt to every condition.
“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they’re right, you believe it lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”— Marilyn Monroe