From A Mom’s Heart

From A Mom's Heart

Mothers are beautiful beings on this planet earth.

They are noble, loving, compassionate, doting, benevolent. The family esteems moms as their muse. They are the epitome of renounce, born leaders. 

They forego their bygone and cherished dreams for their children. In return, they anticipate a little respect and fathomless love—some recognition, no shutting away, and inevitable articles like money and expensive merchandise when age catches them.

 Mothers are emotional regulators and precisely can never get wounded. They need to compromise at all times for their children. They have to put their children on the front seat of their life’s car.

The most important one, they have no retirement plans. They are on their toes 24*7, just like a chemist shop.

Moms can never make any mistakes throughout their life. Moms have to part with their passion, lavishness, and profession.

They have to be considerate, self-sacrificing and an embodiment of virtue.

 Okay, guys enough…

 Just put an end to your notion for a sec.

We are modern age moms.

We, moms, are loving, with a warm-heart, tender at heart. We are syrupy may be extra sweet from time to time, opportunistic undeniably. We are harsh, many times. We shove our children to perform well and to give their best shot in everything. It ranges from studies to extra-curricular activities and so on.

We boast to the world that we are cool moms (unruffled outside). We sing our praises that we have given the so-called freedom to our children. They can run after any career, the subject they take fancy to specialize in. We insist on them to go after their passion, but it is in our dreams. We also know the art of emotionally blackmailing them. We do make faces if they do not follow our unspoken words and desire to tread the unexplored path. It leaves us in the lurch with our unfulfilled dreams and desires.

We are speechless, amazed at the turn of events. In the end, we get miffed with them.

We compare in our mind and heart all the time-our children vs. other children (May it be cousins, friends, neighbors, even acquaintances).

We make-believe to be pleased for the sake of others but burn from inside.

We look at our children as our most significant prize possessions, events, and accomplishments. We try hard to hide their flaws.

It’s okay if they do not accomplish anything in the world’s eye or do not win a single competition.

At the same hour, we have to teach them words like empathy, love, uprightness, compassion, pain, and failure still prevails in our dictionary. They are not obsolete but still have a foot on the ground of our life.

We are very, very conventional, not extraordinary, and normal moms.

We quickly get tired out. We often rant, get wounded, and become rude. We are afraid of failure, become aggressive. We expect infinitely. We have dreams to follow, a career to sustain. No superheroes are residing within us. We do not even sacrifice our complete life for them.

We, moms, owe a lot to our loving children as they made us mothers. 

We should be proud of our children all the time, irrespective of their accomplishments and success. If we did not have progenies on our laps, our life would have been monotonous. It would have been meaningless and void.

“Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge, and scary-it’s an act of infinite optimism.”-Gilda Radner

 We are taking a bow for all the magnificent and adoring youngsters out there. Yes, we are proud moms because of you all, and we love you without a doubt.

 Happy Mother’s Day to Us Modern moms!!!

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